We all know we need to exercise. That’s hardly anything groundbreaking. Yet, exercise is one of those words that carries a different meaning for each person. Exercise and fitness to a busy executive likely means something entirely different than exercise and fitness to an Olympic champion.
This difference in meaning often leads to feelings of confusion in what to do, lack of motivation to do anything on your own, and fear of injury if you do it all wrong.
Regardless of how you personally describe exercise for yourself, it is universal to say that from a working mom to an Olympic athlete and everyone in between, every exerciser wants to feel motivated to workout, being confident in their fitness plan, and empowered after every exercise session because they are physically strong, healthy, and pain free.
One of the best ways to accomplish a strong and healthy body, safely and effectively is with personal training.
What exactly are the benefits of personal training over going it alone?
Motivation- Most people don’t have a plan when they hit the gym which ends in aimless wandering and exercise without a purpose. This gets old fast and leads to boredom and minimal results.
Personal training helps you to set goals and then helps to clarify a path to achieve those goals, keeping you consistent. Your personal trainer uses encouragement and enthusiasm to remind you of the important reasons why you said a strong and active body are important to you.
Expert Advice- With so much information available to the general public, it can be confusing to know how much exercise is effective and what exercises are best to do when.
Having a personal trainer ensures safe and specific training based on your goals and abilities to maximize your results. An honest and qualified personal trainer provides detailed instruction and demonstrates proper form while explaining the benefits of each movement.
Accountability- A fitness plan without accountability is like a car without functioning gauges (insert vision of Del Griffith speeding down the highway in Planes Trains and Automobiles). It is what helps you to develop the discipline needed to make positive changes.
A personal trainer will help you stay true to yourself and stay committed to your goal. Effective personal trainers record your progress and then regularly review what’s working, what’s not, and help you find areas where can you improve.
King Solomon, the wisest King to ever live said “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 ).
Private and Personalized- As the name implies, personal training is about you as a person and an individual. Compare that with exercising all alone, or in a big group of strangers, or with a random Instagram “influencer” online who doesn’t even know your name.
Personal trainers build individualized programs around your specific goals and needs. Sessions are more intimate, in a non judgmental environment, making you feel more comfortable and less distracted so you can focus on doing your best.
The private and personalized approach of personal training is ideal for those with medical conditions, those training for an event, those recovering from injuries, or those serious about getting targeted results.
Variety- Working out on your own leads to a habit of doing the same routine with the same exercises.
In contrast, working out with a personal trainer keeps your exercise fresh, adaptable, and progressing forward in the direction of your goals so you don’t plateau.
God created our bodies to move. Personal trainers infuse energy and inspiration to make exercise fun and functional so you don’t get bored or burned out. A fun personal trainer will call out your successes and create smiling faces.
At MOTIVFIT, all of our personal training and coaching programs are backed by science and built on years of experience, so you can be confident that your exercise routine is safe and effective helping you to live a healthy and happy life with purpose and passion. We also have a 100% Money Back Guarantee on our services.
Ready to jumpstart your fitness journey? Start your 14 Day Free Trail with your Online Personal Trainer today!