From Hospitalization, Back and Hip Pain to Losing 10lbs of Body Fat and Living Pain Free

Client Spotlight

Written By
Carrie Morgan

From Hospitalization, Back and Hip Pain to Losing 10lbs of Body Fat and Living Pain Free

Client Spotlight

Written By
Carrie Morgan

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As a wife and a mom, Jennie has always made sure to put her family first. But, after a hospitalization in December for a liver problem, Jennie realized that she needs to be healthy in order to be able to prioritize her family.

In the past, Jennie tried the gym. She even hired a personal trainer. But she always felt inadequate in the public gym setting and felt judged by her trainer who only pointed out what she did incorrectly.

Continuing on her own, Jennie would occasionally do a 7 minute exercise routine but nothing consistent or specifically designed to solve her problem.

In addition to a weeklong hospitalization, Jennie had hip and back pain that she could not resolve on her own.  She recalls the point she couldn’t sit through the entire small group because the back pain was so bad and she said to herself “Something has got to change!”

Without a trusted professional, Jennie lacked the expertise and accountability she needed to achieve her goals.

Driven to solve a problem, Jennie’s first goals after seeking help from MOTIVFIT was to lose weight, gain health, and eliminate her back and hip pain.
Now that she has lost 10 pounds of fat, she’s more confident in longevity for her future.

Her cardiovascular health assessment results improved from the “Poor” category to “Excellent”. She has also lowered her blood pressure and eliminated her back pain

Jennie says that one of the things she likes best about personal training in MOTIVFIT’s boutique training studio is that she is challenged. And though she doesn’t necessarily like it at the time, she has discovered that she can accomplish things she didn’t ever think she ever could.

Jennie says “I also like the structured social time. It’s so personalized. I should have tried it sooner. Now I’m not willing to give up those mental health benefits and community. I’m able to handle stress easier which helps in coping with mindless eating.”

Coaching and accountability reminded Jennie to think of her goals and her reason why they are important. “Hearing that Carrie voice in my head” allowed her to overcome the challenges and struggles of sugar cravings.

To anyone else who might be dealing with pain, weight challenges, or health troubles, Jennie says “It’s worthwhile. It’s ok to focus on yourself; give yourself the freedom to be able to do that. Just try it because you’ll like it.”

She added that she doesn’t feel guilty working out. “This is something I have to do. The Lord has given me this life and I can’t squander what He’s given me.”
“I actually have more energy for other people and for the Lord. Workouts allow me to be more reflective and to realize what’s important.”

If you ask Jennie what she is most proud of achieving, she’ll say “That my husband is proud of my ‘guns’!” because as a wife she wants to look good for her husband.
She didn’t think she’d be able to be as tone as she is now which has changed the view of herself. Normally so hard on herself, Jennie is more comfortable and accepting with the person looking back in the mirror.

To those on fence about personal training with MOTIVFIT, Jennie says “I would say to younger me ‘I should have done it sooner because you’re not going to do anybody any good if you’re not around to help them. If your health is so poor that you can’t function, then you need to go ahead and invest in yourself so that you can be there for others.’”

Discover how MOTIVFIT can alleviate your pain and help you lead a healthy and vibrant life by scheduling Starting your 14 Day Free Trial to our Online Personal Training Program.

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