

Are You Over 40 and Tired of Hitting Fitness Plateaus When Trying to Achieve Your Health and Fitness Goals?

Here Are 3 Behavior Points to Help You Get Unstuck with Your Fitness and Nutrition

Do you ever feel stuck? Like you know what you need to do for your health and fitness but you just don’t do it? Or maybe you even do a few things like going to bed early or exercising most days of the week, but you just can’t nail down the nutrition.

Deep down in your inner soul you really desire to change your lifestyle habits and you long to feel that youthful vitality again so you can continue to make an impact in life regardless of your age.

But then…

Another week…

Another month…

Another year passes by…

And you are still saying “I know what I need to do but I just don’t do it.”
The more your friends and family encourage you or give you helpful tips, the more you push back. You drive yourself mad knowing that you truly want to be healthy yet, you are the only one standing in your way.

Why is this?

All behavior is a direct result of how you think. How you think is a result of what you know and what you believe about what you know.

“For as he thinks within himself, so he is.” -Proverbs 23:7

Or in other words, you are what you think, because you do what you know and believe.

For instance, maybe you’ve been struggling to eat more vegetables. You have the head knowledge about vegetables. You want to eat them because you know they have vitamins, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that build a strong immune system, fight cancer, and lower inflammation. You know that. And hey, you even like them. But you still don’t eat them with your meals. Why not?

Revisiting the statement above- your behavior is a result of what you know (vegetables are good for you and you like them) AND what you believe.

So how do you know what you believe about vegetables and how is that different than just knowing that they’re good for the body?

Try thinking about it this way...all behavior, whether positive or negative, is in response to one of the following beliefs:

  1. It solves a problem
  2. It shows your priorities and values
  3. It helps you cope

Using the three behavior points above and continuing with the same example of wanting to eat more vegetables, your questions to yourself might look something like this:

“Does NOT eating more veggies solve a problem for me because it saves time not having to prep an extra side dish?”

“Does NOT eating more veggies show my priority in pleasing others around me by only eating what they eat- which doesn’t happen to be vegetables?”

“Does NOT eating more veggies help me cope because I’d really just prefer the comfort of a cheesy pizza?”

Understanding which belief point you are stuck on will help you understand your behavior. So if you were stuck because you were showing that your priority was to please others this helps explain why you’re not eating more veggies like you want.

When you marry your beliefs with your knowledge, then you can control your behavior.

Knowledge: Vegetables are good for me

Belief: I want to please others

Solution examples: 1) Change the belief that pleasing others is more important than your health, 2) change the other people to ones who like vegetables, 3) stay the same and work on a different health goal for now.

Of course this sounds simple, but it’s not easy. Where do you feel stuck?

MOTIVFIT has helped hundreds of women over the past 20+ years to get fit, feel great about themselves and enjoy a healthy fulfilling life.  Schedule a free Strategy Session today and let us help you get unstuck with your fitness and nutrition. Click Here to Your Free Schedule Strategy Session

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